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Business Consultancy

Resourceful Intellect is dedicated to delivering measurable business results for our clients through proven scientific approaches to unlocking people potential.

The approach that Resourceful Intellect takes with its clients is to deliver tangible and enduring benefits. Resourceful Intellect has a long track record of working in partnership with our clients to help achieve their business and organizational objectives - by taking a cutting-edge approach to managing and nurturing talent.

Making the most of people's energies, skills and aspirations can seem fraught with difficulties, conflicts and confusion, and most organizations tell us that it is hard to keep a clear view of how to make people processes deliver the outcomes they want. We believe that enabling individuals and organizations to succeed can be essentially straightforward, even if the details of how to do it requires careful thought.

Many consultancies start their thinking with an array of tools or "interventions". At Resourceful Intellect, although we have an impressive range of tools and techniques at our fingertips, our starting point is always the objectives of our clients. We have developed expertise in clarifying what ultimate success will look like for you, and working in close partnership to ensure that this success is measurably and clearly achieved.

Our team of consultants has many years of experience in working with our clients to manage talent, align business and people processes, and nurture leadership.
We develop Business Plans, Marketing Plans, help in recruiting and offer tools in writing CV and attending to interviews.

Copyright ©2007 RESOURCEFUL INTELLECT (K) LTD | | Email:
Box 43642-00100 Nairobi | Tel: +254-20-2044564, +254-20-3003195 | Cell: +254-722-616711